
Human Resource Management of WoodHill

Task 1

(a) The role of HR today in a company is much more different and diversified than it was a few years ago and the reason is that now HR professionals are trying to streamline the processes and the methods of working through the use of Workforce planning. There is a need to understand that planning and implementation are totally different things and only a section of the planned activities are followed by all companies this makes it important for Woodhull college to plan it’s different activities in order to have an effective action plan created beforehand and that they know what they are needed to do and what they are aiming to achieve thorough their efforts This wait it becomes easier for the people to assess the requirements and work towards achieving it.

For WoodHill College there is a need to ensure that proper execution of plan is done in order to help the human resource planning group top work effectively and also get the results they require (Corby, 1999).

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(b) WoodHil College is a college with a medium skilled Human resource team which is not as experienced and well versed with swift employment processes lie a corporate company HR department. This means that the WoodHill College requires more preparation for the interview process. There is a need to make aura that the process is divided into different sections and stages so that it s easiest to complete. The first step should be to ask for application and accept them and see the people who are eligible for the role. There is also a need to make sure that all people in the HRM see the required needs at hand and plan accordingly to make sure that all required spots are filled up.

There is also the need to make sure that all aspect sofas the employment process has been discussed and proper planning has been done to makes urea that there are no surprises or last moment pending at asks at hand. This can help a lot to reduce the stress of getting employees taking the interview or HR people to get confused to having made mist=kegs in the process There is a need to find the problems and identify the required step s in the first stage itself. There is a need for fast work so that all problems can be solved quickly (Pieterse, 2012).

(c) The selection and recruitment process differs with the industry and the post that is required to be filled. In most cases the basic steps stay the same, like the Advertising for the post , the collection of resumes and the short listing followed by calling applicants for interview as well as conducting the interviews and finally zeroing on the eligible applicant. There is a need to make sure that the employees and the HR professionals are ready for the process and it is clear to them.

There is a need to make sure that the advertisement is provided through the method which can reach more potential candidates, newspapers, journals, flyers, online ads all are great options. There is also the method internal sourcing which done for employees who are provided better options within the company. This is usually conducted when an employee has the skill set needed for a role and is offered the role and then if the applicant is ready to take the new role, the other aspects of the job are discussed. Also there are methods like recruitment drives, and third party sourcing through job portals and agencies that are providing eligible employees for a fee. There is also a need to make sure that the candidate selected for interview are eligible for the role, there is a need to makes sure that all aspects of the job are discussed and that all the decision and job roles are discussed beforehand (Altman, 1991).

(d) There are certain benefits as wells drawbacks for the employment processes that are mentioned in the above section. There is a need to find that most people who are eligible will have different skills sets or additional skills and there is a need for the HR to make sure that they are able to make each employee show their skills effectively. Some time internal sourcing method is better for companies as it is less costly as opposed to conducting a drive or providing newspaper ads. There are also the factors like the extensive method of external sourcing which can be hectic and stress full for companies and the candidate may not be eligible for the roles (Alliance,University , 2016).

(e) The most common aspects of recruitment and selection are based on the specific requirements of the companies that are conducting the recruitment process. I(n most cases, there are internal sourcing methods to make sure that the company loses less money in interviewing or providing advertisement roe eying agencies to send in eligible candidates. There is also the benefits of internal sourcing, as in most cases, the employees screened for internal sourcing are provided better roles than they are currently provides, helping them to grow in their professional career also in most cases they are provided better remuneration meaning they are more likely to say yes. Also there are ales cost associated with training (Shaw,Seyfarth, 2015).

For externally sourced candidate it is tough to assess their skills in one interview and there is a need to train them and also the agencies are charging the companies for each successful candidate they provide. This can be costly for the people. The normal employee recruitment process sis is quite lengthy and may not be the best process for companies that are looking for quick results or need people to take position in the quick way.

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Task 2:


Department: Economics Department :

Professor of Economics:

Job Descriptions:  The UK University is requesting eligible applicants to send resumes for the post of the Professor of Economics. The role of the professor would be to take part in daily teaching of undergraduate students. Applicants eligible should be currently appointed as lecturers in any renter college /university or should be an undergraduate teacher. The sessions are to start at the Summer of 2017 and the remunerations shall be discussed in the interview. The position provides a host of privileges and also a salary that is industry standard. 

Required Qualification:

Applicant must be eligible for the post and should be (at least) a doctorate in the subject Economics and must have good marks to support his education and skills. Along with the marks the applicant must be a dedicated teacher who has good communication skills to effectively communicate with students. There is a need for string communication skills to be able to communicate both verbally and in written form. The teacher might be requested to provide alternative methods of educational and should be flexible. 

Economics Department:

The Department of Economics is fairly staffed with more than 10 full time teachers and lecturers who are teaching students management studies and topics like business economics and economics. 

Responsible Areas:

The applicant is required to teach undergraduate students perusing their degrees in Economics and business courses The professor must be able to fulfill the minimum workload of 12 credits per semester worth of value. There is also the need for professors to be actively participative in the academic activities and other social services undertaken by the university. 

The required Information and Procedure for application:

(i) An application letter must be filed with all qualifications as well as the reason for applying to the university

(ii) The hard copy of an updated resume

(iii) The copy of Graduate and Undergraduate as well as other qualification transcripts.

(iv) A letter with a summary of how the applicant views teaching and his own teaching philosophy

(v) References(Professional references)  ; we expect at least 5 p[professional references

(vi) Content information

(vii) Visa and other work permits when applicable 

Please send the Information to The UK University , 123 Stafford Lane, 

B) There is a need to make sure that the advertisements that need to get attention are put up in the method or mediums that re easily available to the people a person is targeting. For people who are looking for fresher’s, the job portals and newspapers contain lots of new and fresher’s joining drives will p [probably be the best option. There is a need to make sure that for a professor’s recruitment process the advertisement is put into academic papers and are circulated in newspapers that are large scale. This makes it better for the new and the recruitment information to be easily available for the people who are being targeted.

There is a need to also make sure that for finding local people or getting attention of the local people, the local newspaper ads will do better than advertising in national papers. To get more people, who are currently looking for employment news, getting the same advertisement posted in the official; university page or the blog might be the best way to get more applicants to join into the drive,. There is a need to make sure that modern processes like directories and hub portals are also used in order to reach more people. There is a need to make sure that digital platforms age mostly really less costly than the point media and it is also the best meted to reach young and tech savvy crowd. For the specific ad, going for academic papers and the local papers will make it easier as well as placing the ad on the Website of the university. 

C) When we see a hob posting we always see the job specification, which are usually provided below each job posting providing a through or sometimes a basic inform of what the coolant needs to possess as an applicant. This alludes to the requirements like academic as well as the skill set needed to perform the duties that are needed for the specific job role. There is also the need to make sure that each applicant knows whether they are able to be considered as eligible for the role or not.

Job Specification for the Role of Professor of Economics: The roles that are to be fulfilled by the Professor of the Economics department of the University are as below:

  • The professor needs to teach the students of the university studying in the Undergraduate terms and in the courses like Business management, Business studies and economics undergraduates.
  • Working with students to make squire that different and engaging methods of working and studding are applied to make learning better.

Specification of the person: There is a need to make sure that the applicant can join from tithe 2017 summer session of the Course and is able to communicate effectively as well as provide significant amount of help and dedication in the teaching process. The person shall be a dedicated person who can handle the average work [reassure. Communication is a must features and iota needs to be effective. The person must also be ales to take active part in social activities and be abs to create study materials and bet able to guide students.

D) The HR of the University need not be able to implement the new changes and the new ways to manage the students and teachers and effectively handle the recruitment process. There is a need to make sure that the best process for recruitment is used, along with diverse strategies to help the people work in a better way. Candidates must be provided opportunity to have better scope to learn and also must be provided with the needed ways to connect effectively with others to create a better network.

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Part 3

(a) Training and development are sometimes associated with the same meanings nut they are not really a substitute of each other. To be precise there is a lot of difference between what we perceive as training and what can be said as a development. The first and foremost difference is that training is usually said as a process where the employees are known to increase the talent of the employees or help them acquire brand new skill set. The process of development for an employee starts when there is an existing skillet and the company helps those skills to increase and get better, helping the employee to grow. The TESCO Company provides their three set of developmental programs in order to help grow and increase the eligibility and the skills of the employees. This is done through the method of three carefully planned programmers.

These are the Option Programmed, the development program as well as the Specialized programmed. These programs are used to help the employees understand their constant need to improve their skill set and to acquire new skills. There is a huge stress provided to the need for training in order to have a better and more enhanced understanding of their job roles and responsibilities, there is also a need for the employees to evaluate and understand the need for training in their professional lives. There is a need to make sure that the changes in their workplace or the changes n technology are into impacting their performances and that they are able to engage in better and increased efforts to keep themselves benefitting from the enhancement programs provided by the company.

(b) Customers of today are more informed and proactively want to take part in the developmental as well as the different sections of the work and development processes. It must be said that information about projects and more clarity creates a confident customer who is ready to take risks and also confides in your skills to handle a situation. There is a need for companies to understand how important good customers are this is realized by TESCO as it provides it’s employed with the best tools to handle all customer queries and enable them to provide the best quality of services. There is a need for understanding how Tesco guides its new entrants and reasons them into professionals of to9morrow. The first step towards a lifestyle of experience is provided to new joiners’ through shadowing process where the employee is provided the opportunity to see and learn the different aspects of the business through shadowing (closely following) a senior. There is also the method of using experienced staff to guide new people in TESCO to take the right decisions and affect the profits of the company.

(c) The training methods used by TESCO are quite diversified and there are various methods used by the company. There are the different programs that we have already mentioned earlier which include the three different stages of education provided to the employees. These are categorized into two different categories. These categories are simple. The first category is the

  • on the job training process: The on the job training process is simple, and it generally is the most common process used to train new people and fresher in the company. This is done through engaging people in the different learning processes that are all scattered within the company. These opportunities provide interns and new entrants to know the different aspects of the work as well as understand the process of training better. There are different coaching methods used by TESCO too, there is a process called Shadowing, which is when a person closely watches and learns from the different works done by a senior
  • The Off the Job Training process: This is also a common process used by companies like TESCO. This is when the employee is provided special training or specialized education from institutions either through the part time classes or away teaching facilities by different institutions to increase their skills. 

(d) TESCO must make sure that all their employees are skilled and can handle the different operations with care and this can be done through the method of ‘Identifying Training Needs’ This can be done through the method of assessing the required needs of the company and for its future projects beforehand and also evaluate the needs of the people who are required to be a part of eh projects,. The =n the HR needs to see what skills might help these people to work more efficiently and provide them with these facilities.

(e) Most company provide the various training programs in the method of structured programs and this is the best method of training as it provides the most impotent aspects of training in an organized manner. There are needs for the teams to be able to develop their skills and also provide the required opportunities to enhance their skills. TESCO provides them with these opportunities.

(f) All companies look at developmental activities as a scope help employees learn more skills and in return get the investment they are providing in return as good and better work. TESCO is a company which likes to provide opportunities for the people in their workplace to train and make their efforts even more enhanced through the different enhancement processes and programs. This is a need to understand the method of TESCO which provides the young team members the opportunity to learn from their seniors and help themselves grow into their own challenging positions and handle the different situations within the company. There is a need for understating the TESCO’s efforts to provide more confidence to its employees by enabling and empowering them.

(g) The employees of TESCO are quite flexible and this is great option that benefits the company hugely. The need for today’s changing workplace is a workforce theta can handle change as it occurs and can enhance their skills and efforts to help get more out from their workplace. There is an eyed to see that employees understand what their workplace job roles are and how they are providing different efforts to different positions. There is a Sneed for the employees to understand and devalue the need for training and the TESCO’s efforts to provide the employee with a more flexible and easy to work atmosphere. The TESCO’s efforts to create effective communication must also be hugely appreciated. There are various flexible fruits that are provided to the employees and it is necessary that they understand the benefits and make use of these benefits. There is an also rewarding system to help employees feel encouraged to work better and keep behaving themselves.

Part 4

(a) Any company that is working with people of different social status and from different sections of the society needs to have effective communication. It is also necessary that these companies are stressing well on how they should maintain good relationship with their employed. There is a need for any company like ITV to make sure that their employees and management are connected through effective mediums of communication. But communication should also results in the employees feeling well connected and it important for ITV to make sure that they are expressing enough funds to the communication and employee relations. There is need for the Human resource team of the ITV to be aware of the needs of proper employee relations.

Good employee relations can result in better retention of employees as well as the money invested in the employees in the ITV helps it create a more connected and an integrated workforce, enabling better services within and for the company. The employees should value their companies and the company should value the efforts provided by the employees in order to create better management and services.

(b) There are various laws that are used for the employment purposes and the main aspect of these laws is to protect the rights of the employer and the employees and safeguard people from being neglected or deprived. In order to talk about labor laws and legislations that re in the process of the employment we must provide information of these acts: The 1976 race acts and a number of other acts have been included into a new act that came to power in 2010 and is known as the Equality Act of 2010.

This is also supplemented by the Equal Pay Act of 1970 which is also including in the Equality act. There is a need to understand that today; companies are not allowed to discriminate between the people that are being employed into the company. There should not be any discrimination against a persons’ looks gender, race, disability or any other factors. There is a need to make sure that ITV is not cussing any discrimination between their employment processes, there should not be any use of discrimination with employees how might not have ether same social or physical capabilities but are equally employable. There is also a need to make sure that people TESCO follows their clear and true method of employment which is not dependable on a person’s social statue, appearance or whatsoever.

(c) A company, employees and the HRM are quite interlinked as they are all part of a same ecology and they create a whole part of the business. There is a need to make sure that people understand the function of each of this p [arts and are knowledgeable of their impotence in the supporting of one another. The need for today’s HRM is the ability to be able to mange people from different parts of the world.

In case of ITV, there are a number of places that the company operates from, and employs a diverse workforce creating additional management issues as well as becomes a trouble for the HR managers to effectively create plans for effective management. There is a need to make sure that the companies are able to make their workforces able to adapt to nay needs and situation so that they can make sure theta they are able to cope up with pressure as well as change.

The need for HR is to make applications an methods as well as training programs to engage the employees as well as reduce turnaround in order to make sure that the company has enough ways to manage the people employed in different parts of the world and be alto make plans o understand and also effectively amine people with different work cultures.

(d) The importance of Human Resource Management and the need to follow the useful HRM practices are really necessary and to conclude this report we shall again stress on the huge impact HRM has over the operations within the company, it’s employees and the influences it has on the business and the company’[s growth plan. There is a need to understand that the workplace is created with the combined efforts from the management and the employees.

Good HRM practices make it easier to manage people, keep them motivated and also help the companies The impotence of good HRM cannot be outnumbered by the efforts provided through other methods The people who are employed in ITV are provided with great benefits and are in the process of getting Trade Union support which makes it easy for the employees to voice their need and be able to negotiate with the employer to come to an agreeable term.

There is a clear way in how the trade union works, the representatives are provided the power to talk to people and know their problems, Evaluate which problem is important as provide the information to the employer, also these methods increase the opinions of others for their employer and also increases the methods to make sure that the people are deserving, know the things they are eligible for and work towards a better workplace. The HR support and the goofed planning for the workplace provide the ready platform to create e n effective workplace and also help the employees to grow and increase their skills. There is a need for the employees to be supported by good HTM proactive which increase their skills and also gives them better methods to plan and evaluate better.

The HRMN practices when done correctly benefit the company in multiple ways, it provides three company with the needed method to manage me the employees, improve they employee skill set, also address problems and help them learn more about what they deserve and how they can get their rights. Also it provides them with the right remuneration and facilities that they expect, increasing overall retention and good employees are always beneficial for the company.

You may also like to read: Importance of Human Resource Management In Organization


  • Alliance,University , 2016. Human Resource Management Challenges.
  • Altman, Y., 1991. RELOCATION OF COMPANIES: THE HUMAN RESOURCE PERSPECTIVE. Journal of Managerial Psychology
  • Corby, S., 1999. Employee Relations in the Public Services: Themes and Issues. illustrated ed. s.l.:Routledge.
  • Pieterse, J. H., 2012. Professional discourses and resistance to change. Journal of Organizational Change Management
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